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Theatre Maker & Performer

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View Lane's Spotlight profile

Having established a 20-year career as an actor and puppeteer in theatre, television and film, I decided to translate that experience into writing, devising and creating my own theatre practice and graduated from The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art's (RADA) MA Theatre Lab, specialising in the creation of experimental laboratory-based theatre making.



I established FACING NORTH THEATRE to explore stories with contemporary relevance that investigate the notion of the ‘other' and present these in a playful manner. I am an advocate for non-elitist theatre and my creative voice draws from my working class origins and the LGBTQIA+ community, challenging overused representations of these groups. I aim to continue to explore my creative voice as a provocateur, with material that can be uncomfortable yet hopeful for change.


I am driven by how an audience engages with my work, probing the boundaries and spaces of theatrical presentation. This includes developing site-specific projects that challenge an audience's perception of supposed theatre spaces.

Past work has included York Theatre Royal, Bolton Octagon, Horse+Bamboo, Thingumajig Theatre, Z-Arts, Polka Theatre, Kate Bush (with Adrian Noble and Basil Twist), ITV, Nickelodeon, Jam Media, Amazon Studios.  


Recent commissions and collaborations include The Lowry, HOME Manchester, The Bloomsbury Festival, The Coronet Theatre, Physical Fest (Liverpool), Storyhouse and ongoing relationships with practitioners Gabrielle Moleta, Gary Clarke and David Glass.

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In 2021 Lane was awarded a Developing Your Creative Practice (DYCP) grant from the Arts Council of England to support his artistic development.

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